
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jan. 19, 2019

This Curvy Queen had an awesome day at the gym today. I am trying hard to go more and be more active. Not letting work and school be an excuse to not do anything.  I have posted my stats for today on the treadmill and doing some weights. Not only do I need to lose but need to tone up as I go along. Sorry for the messy hair but hey I was at the gym working and sweatin' ! My weight at the gym said I was at 252. So lets see how long it takes me to get to 240 and keep it there. Small goals and one at a time. Peace out!
Curvy Queen

Friday, January 18, 2019

Weight Busters Facebook group

Hello all,

     I have started a support group for those who want to lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, and or tone up. It is going to have healthy recipes, tips on exercises, and just plain ol fashioned fun with friends. What better way to have the motivation you need than to have a bunch of people cheering you on. It is called Weight Busters. It is small and just me right now, but I am hoping it will grow.  Click on the link below to get to the group and request to join if ya want. Would love to see ya there!

Curvy Queen

Weight Busters Facebook

New Motivation - New Name

     Been awhile since I have done anything with this blog. I decided it needed a new name as I have new motivation for becoming healthier. I am not far from being diabetic, so losing weight as I was told by my doctor, can help with that. Also it can help with my knees by getting the much excess weight off. I have been slowly doing better but I still have a long way to go. This is going to be hard as I am working part time, have two wonderful kids, married to a great man who  him and the kids deserve my time and attention, and going to college. So I have to squeeze in time for me and my health in  between all of that.  I have a tracker at the bottom of blog where people can see what I have lost so far. I am hoping that as I do this, I can offer hope to those who are also trying to lose weight, not just because they wanna be thin, but because they wanna be healthy. Have a wonderful night as it is way past my bedtime. 

Curvy Queen